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By nerds, for nerds. Built at Twitter by @mdo and @fat, Bootstrap utilizes LESS CSS, is compiled via Node, and is managed through GitHub to help nerds do awesome stuff on the web. Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!), but in tablet and smartphone browsers via responsive CSS as well. A 12-column responsive grid, dozens of components, JavaScript plugins, typography, form controls, and even a web-based Customizer to make Bootstrap your own.

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# First Name Last Name Job
1 Mark Otto Designer
2 Jacob Thorn Artist
3 Larry Bird Tea Boy
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Rebum sanctus gubergren ei mea, usu repudiare adolescens rationibus at, eum ea dicant malorum deseruisse. Quot pertinax sensibus id per, usu vide dolorem ea. Invidunt incorrupte mei ea, duo ei viderer mentitum explicari. Sed dolorum mediocritatem ex. Ceteros fabellas verterem ut has, ne facilis.


Ex sit diam veniam veritus. Nec ex quis homero. Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea, brute aperiam insolens his in. Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix invidunt neglegentur no, in pri evertitur consequuntur. Minim evertitur scripserit ad qui, no diam error meliore quo. No mei ferri adhuc scribentur, an eius vitae ubique eos.

Certain things to consider are:
  • Purpose
    Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea, brute aperiam insolens his in?
  • Goals
    Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed?
  • Target Audience
    Quot pertinax sensibus id per, usu vide dolorem ea. Invidunt incorrupte mei ea, duo ei viderer mentitum explicari.

An mea vidit definiebas. No sea quaestio abhorreant, ne sit offendit urbanitas interpretaris. Habeo atqui docendi quo ne, clita labore laoreet eam no. Eam ipsum vocibus cu.

  • Ex sit diam veniam veritus. Nec ex quis homero. Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea, brute aperiam insolens his in. Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed.
  • Ex sit diam veniam veritus. Nec ex quis homero. Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea, brute aperiam insolens his in. Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed.
  • Ex sit diam veniam veritus. Nec ex quis homero. Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea, brute aperiam insolens his in. Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus purus arcu, commodo cursus egestas et, dictum lobortis dui curabitur at mi eu mi sollicitudin.

  • Hosting
    Porro audiam recusabo ut sed, qui ornatus menandri ea brute aperiam insolens his in?
  • Pricing
    Vel te augue ponderum singulis, ei justo doctus sed offendit urbanitas interpretaris.
    • • £50.00 per page
    • • £80.00 - £120.00 per portfolio
    • • £750.00 - e-commerce
  • Updates
    Quot pertinax sensibus id per, usu vide dolorem ea. Invidunt incorrupte mei ea, duo ei viderer mentitum explicari.

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

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